David Sherris, M.D.

Don't Like Your Nose Job? You May Need a Revision Rhinoplasty

Oct 22, 2023 @ 09:20 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

The shape and size of the nose can affect the overall aesthetics of the face. Rhinoplasty, or a “nose job,” can bring balance and harmony to the face with careful and artfully placed adjustments to the nose. Rhinoplasty should make patients feel more confident and happy. However, when the nose doesn’t look as desired or function as expected after surgery, revision rhinoplasty from Dr. David A. Sherris can help.

If you are unhappy with your nose after rhinoplasty, it’s important to know the signs that indicate you may need revision rhinoplasty so that you can seek help at the Clinic of Facial and Plastic Surgery in Buffalo, NY.

When to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is usually done because the nose either doesn’t look as desired or function as it should. Sometimes, both aesthetics and breathing are a problem, while others may love their results but suffer an injury later on that causes damage.

Revision rhinoplasty can address issues with the appearance and function of the nose, helping those who have been unhappy with their previous rhinoplasty results achieve the look they were initially seeking.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at some signs that revision rhinoplasty is necessary.

Unhappy With Results

It can take a full year to see the final results of rhinoplasty. Most people are happy with their new appearance when the cast is removed or once the initial swelling from surgery goes down. Sadly, some people will be unhappy with the outcome of rhinoplasty. Not all surgeons have the expertise and training that Dr. David Sherris has, and many do not specialize in rhinoplasty.

There are several reasons someone may be unhappy with their rhinoplasty. Some possible issues that can be corrected with revision rhinoplasty include:

Issues with Breathing

In some circumstances, a breathing issue may develop after rhinoplasty when one wasn’t present before. If post-surgical swelling has gone down but breathing is still difficult, it may be time for revision rhinoplasty to address the issue.

Some breathing issues that may occur after rhinoplasty that can indicate a second surgery is needed include:

Injury to the Nose After Rhinoplasty

Being injured in an accident can cause trauma to the nose and undo the work of a prior rhinoplasty. An injury to the nose, like a car accident, sports-related injury, or a fall can cause the nose to look crooked or asymmetrical. Revision rhinoplasty can restore the appearance of the nose after an injury.

Surgical Errors

Unfortunately, some patients must seek a second rhinoplasty to correct a previous surgery. It’s important to choose a board-certified surgeon with experience and a good reputation. Bargain shopping for a surgeon can lead to poor results, including surgical errors and botched work.

Dr. Sherris Can Correct the Mistakes of Other Surgeons

At our Buffalo plastic surgery practice, Dr. Sherris is double-board certified with a proven track record of producing natural-looking rhinoplasty results. He has also specialized in revision rhinoplasty, addressing issues caused by other facial plastic surgeons.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose after rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty may be right for you. To discuss your treatment options, we welcome you to contact our practice in Buffalo to schedule a consultation with Dr. David Sherris.