David Sherris, M.D.

Comparing Facelift Options: Which Surgery Is Right for Me?

Sep 22, 2023 @ 08:44 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Facelift Options

When facial lines, wrinkles, and creases develop and facial skin starts to sag, leaving facial features undefined, many people consider facelift surgery. A facelift smooths and tightens the skin of the lower two-thirds of the face to reverse signs of aging and revitalize one’s appearance. 

What many people do not realize is that facelift surgery is a highly customizable procedure. Facial plastic surgeon David A. Sherris offers several facelift techniques at his BuffaloNY, surgery center. Dr. Sherris helps patients compare facelift options to determine the right procedure for their unique needs and desires.

Standard Facelift

A standard facelift addresses signs of aging along the lower two-thirds of the face and the neck. During the procedure, incisions are made in the hairline (often starting at the temples and continuing around the front of the ears and up the back of the ear to the bottom of the scalp) to grant access to underlying facial tissues. Excess skin and fat are removed, and remaining tissues are pulled back and up before incisions are closed. This traditional facelift technique smooths wrinkles and creases and lifts the skin to create a more youthful appearance.

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is targeted to specific areas of the lower face and neck. During treatment, small incisions are made at the hairline, extending behind the ear. Incisions grant access to the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), the layer of tissue and muscles just beneath the facial skin. Dr. Sherris lifts and tightens these tissues before closing surgical incisions. A mini facelift is minimally invasive and is, therefore, a faster procedure that requires a shorter recovery period than a standard facelift. 

Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift offers our Buffalo patients more comprehensive treatment than a standard facelift. This technique addresses advanced sagging along the middle of the face. It is the only facelift procedure that reduces the appearance of nasolabial folds, more commonly known as marionette lines.

A deep plane facelift is similar to a standard facelift. However, it goes a step further by elevating the SMAS from the muscles beneath and releasing the ligaments that hold the SMAS near the folds of the mouth. These alterations lift and smooth the skin without creating a pulled or windswept appearance.

Neck Lift

Technically, a neck lift focuses on the neck rather than the face, but it addresses some of the same concerns as a standard facelift. During a neck lift, Dr. Sherris makes incisions at the back of each ear and just beneath the chin. He uses these incisions to tighten neck muscles and remove excess skin and fat to define the jawline and reduce drooping beneath the chin. 

Which Technique Is Right for Me?

The facelift technique that is right for each of our Buffalo patients depends on the signs of aging they want to address, and the degree of sagging and wrinkling that is present. Dr. Sherris can recommend the most appropriate facelift option after meeting with patients to discuss their specific needs and desires.

Contact Us

A facelift addresses common signs of facial aging by smoothing and lifting the skin to revitalize the appearance. If you are considering facelift surgery and would like to learn more about the techniques offered by Dr. David A. Sherris, send us a message and request a consultation.