David Sherris, M.D.

Seven Possible Brow Lift Side Effects and Risks

Aug 18, 2017 @ 09:04 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Brow Lift Plastic Surgery

The face is one of the first to show signs of aging. When wrinkles and fine lines appear around your eyes and on your forehead, they can make you appear older than you actually are. Brows that are burrowed due to wrinkles can also make you look chronically tired.

Unfortunately, diet and exercise are not able to prevent this type of aging. This is when facial plastic surgery can play a signfificant role in dramatically transforming your appearance. For patients desiring an improved, younger looking appearance, Dr. David A. Sherris provides a brow lift at his Buffalo, NY practice.

Dr. Sherris will meet with each patient to explain the procedure in detail, answering any questions, and explaining the possible brow lift side effects and risks to help prepare you for what may happen during recovery.

Adverse Response to Anesthesia

Some people experience nausea or vomiting after waking from anesthesia. If you have experienced an adverse response to anesthesia in the past, please let your doctor know. There may be other options available or medications your doctor can prescribe to make your recovery more comfortable.

Numbness and Tingling

It is not uncommon to experience numbness and a tingling sensation after a brow lift. This is generally short-lived and normal sensations will return in about one to two week as the incisions heal.

Hair Loss

Because the incisions made during a brow lift are along the hairline, it is possible that you may experience some hair loss after the procedure. This is typically temporary and once the incisions have completely healed, the hair will start to grow back within a few months.

Nerve Injury

Due to the nature of the procedure, it is possible for nerve damage to occur. These nerves are responsible for raising and lowering your brows. If this occurs, you may be unable to properly move your brows. In most cases, facial paralysis is temporary and normal movement will resume after the nerves have healed.


As with any surgery, there is always a risk for infection. If this occurs, you may experience excess bleeding, increased pain and swelling, redness around the incisions, and prolonged recovery. This is why it’s so important that you follow your post-op instructions carefully. If you notice any of these side effects, please contact our office immediately.

Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising are a normal part of brow lift surgery and recovery. The amount of bruising will depend on how well you follow your post-op instructions and how your body responds to surgery. After surgery, you will be encouraged to wear a compression garment and apply ice packs. Both of these will aid in limiting swelling and reduce the amount of bruising.


Scarring is typically inevitable, but because the incisions are made discreetly along the hairline, they are generally easily hidden. Dr. Sherris will also make the incisions as small as possible to limit the size of your scars.

Improve Your Facial Aesthetics

If you are interested in reversing the signs of aging through a brow lift, contact our office today online or call (716) 884-5102 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sherris. Refreshing your brow can take years off your appearance.