David Sherris, M.D.

Rhinoplasty and Nostril Reduction

Sep 15, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery

Patients who turn to Dr. David A. Sherris for rhinoplasty know that they can expect natural-looking results whatever their requests. Among the most common of these requests is for Dr. Sherris to alter the width of nostrils that are too wide. Disproportionately wide nostrils can draw undue attention to the nose, away from the other features of the face. Dr. Sherris has a keen artistic eye and an intimate knowledge of the anatomy both of the nose and the entire face, which he uses to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results possible with every rhinoplasty procedure he performs.

In evaluating candidates for rhinoplasty and nostril reduction at his Buffalo plastic surgery practice, Dr. Sherris takes into account not only their nostrils, but also the tip and bridge areas of their noses, as well as how their noses interact with their other facial features. All of these elements must be considered during the planning stages of rhinoplasty to ensure the best possible outcome.

Are you interested in undergoing rhinoplasty to narrow the width of your nostrils? If so, please read on and then contact our plastic surgery practice to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Sherris today.

How is nostril reduction performed?

There are several possible methods of performing nostril reduction. Dr. Sherris always chooses the most conservative method that will produce the best possible results based on the patient’s needs and goals.

In certain patients, it may be possible to reduce the width of the nostrils using only a special suture placed inside the nose. This suture, concealed beneath the skin, narrows the base of the nose. This is the most conservative method available as it requires no removal of tissues; however, it is also best suited to those patients with only minor flaring of the nostrils or those who wish to achieve only subtle narrowing of the nostrils.

The most common technique used to narrow the nostrils is called the Weir excision. This technique involves the removal of a wedge of tissue from the base of the nose, where the nose meets the cheek. This allows for the resulting scar from the surgery to be well hidden in the natural crease of this meeting point, where it will be virtually indistinguishable. The Weir excision can be combined with the special suture for more comprehensive nostril reduction.

In select cases, Dr. Sherris may perform a nasal sill excision to reduce the width of the nostrils. If the nasal sill, or the floor of the nostril, is particularly wide, then skin can carefully be removed from this area. This technique may also be combined with the Weir excision, especially if substantial narrowing is the goal.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty and Nostril Reduction

If you would like to learn more about rhinoplasty and nostril reduction, or you wish to schedule your initial rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. David A. Sherris, please contact The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today. We would be pleased to answer any questions you might have.