David Sherris, M.D.

Rhinoplasty Side Effects

Sep 10, 2013 @ 10:28 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty can be an amazing, transformative, and life-changing procedure. It is among the most transformative plastic surgery procedures performed today. Rhinoplasty can change the size and shape of the nose, improve functionality of the nose, and bring harmony to the facial features. The benefits of rhinoplasty far outweigh the risks for most patients considering the procedure.

As with any surgery, there are  possible side effects and risks associated with rhinoplasty. At his facial plastic surgery practice in Buffalo, Dr. David Sherris discusses possible rhinoplasty side effects and risks in detail. By ensuring a patient understands the risks and complications possible after surgery, the patient can make an informed decision concerning his or her rhinoplasty procedure.

Healing Faster with Healthy Habits

The best way to ensure an easier recovery period is to go into surgery as healthy as you can be. Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and not smoking before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery and after undergoing rhinoplasty surgery can help your body heal faster.

Listening to Your Surgeon

Another way to ensure an easier and faster recovery period is by following all post-surgical instructions provided by the surgeon. These instructions are designed to minimize possible side effects after surgery and to help you achieve the exceptional results you desire.

Rhinoplasty Side Effects

Patients can expect to experience some side effects following rhinoplasty surgery. Most side effects will begin to subside within three to four days after the rhinoplasty procedure. Some of the side effects that a patient may experience are:

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to learn more about rhinoplasty and how it can help bring symmetry and harmony to your facial features, please contact Dr. Sherris at the Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today.